3 Easy Steps to Enter
- You must be a subscriber of My life, My thoughts! as this giveaway is to say thank you to all the lovely people that follows or read her blog… Important Notice: Please sub only if you read her blog and if you like it – it’s really not fair to sub just for the giveaway. (Click here to subscribe.) or in the sidebar subscription box *Make sure you verify the email address you will use.
- Write or re-post this in your blog, make sure it’s a separated post. The title will be “N3r3n first ever giveaway!”
- Write ‘Enter Me’ into the comment of this blog post / followed by the link of the blog post you created / and your email add. (Please include all the info in one comment so Ina won’t be confused.) Thank you so much and Good luck!
Example entry:
Enter meblog post: http://www.n3r3n.com/2010/02/first-ever-giveaway-for-my-readers.htmlemail add: neren_nathan@yahoo.com
Read more: visit HERE